Sunday 21 June 2015

History - All about Gold

Facts on Gold

  • Boiling Point - Boiling point of gold is 2808 degrees centigrade.
  • Melting Point - Gold melts at 1064 degrees centigrade.
  • Measure of Gold - Gold is measured in Troy ounces. One Troy Ounce of Gold is 31.103 grams of gold. 
  • Total Gold - Less then 175,000 Tonnes of Gold has been mined since the beginning of civilization.
  • 21 Meters Cubed - All of the gold ever mined would fit into a crate of 21 meters cubed.
  • 49% - Around half of gold mined today is made into jewelry, which remains the single largest use of gold. 
  • Over 90% of the wolds gold has been mined since the California Gold Rush.
  • 750 parts per thousand - Gold is often alloyed with other metals to change its color and strength. 18 carat gold is composed of 750 parts of pure gold per thousand.
  • 80 Cm - The largest gold coin ever created was cast by the Perth Mint in 2012. Weighing one Tonne and measuring 80 cm in diameter, it surpassed the previous record, a 2007 C$1 million coin which was just 53 cm across.
  • 2316 Troy Ounces - The largest ever true gold nugget weighed 2316 troy ounces when found at Moliagul in Australia in 1869. It was called the "Welcome Stranger".
  • Atomic Number - The atomic Number of Gold is 79, which means there are 79 protons in the nucleus of every atom metal.
  • London Good Delivery Bar - A London Good Delivery Bar, the standard unit of traded gold is made up from 400 troy ounces of gold.
  • Gold is the 79th Element on the Periodic Table of Elements. 
  • Of all the minerals mined from the Earth, none is more useful than gold. Its usefulness is derived from a diversity of special properties. Gold conducts electricity, does not tarnish, is very easy to work, can be drawn into wire, can be hammered into thin sheets, alloys with many other metals, can be melted and cast into highly detailed shapes, has a wonderful color and a brilliant luster.

Uses of Gold:

  1. Jewellery - As stated above 49% of all gold mined is used for jewelry. 
  2. Gold is still used in dentistry though in a world today where everyone is too conscious about looks, the use is getting less and less. The first book published on dentistry, entitled Artzney Buchlein, appeared in 1530. The book suggests dentists fill cavities and rotten teeth with gold. Gold is a bio-compatible metal, meaning it can be placed in contact with a person's body and not cause harm to one's health.
  3. Gold is a highly efficient conductor of electricity and is used in most electronic devices, including cell phones. Gold contained in connectors, switches and relay contacts allows phones to remain free of corrosion.
  4. According to the World Gold Council, a single mobile device contains up to 50 milligrams of gold. That’s a tiny amount but nearly 1 billion cell phones are produced each year. With a gold value of about 50 cents in each phone, that adds up to $500 million dollars in gold each year!
  5. Gold can also be found in most standard desktop and laptop computers. The precious metal is used in a CPU’s memory chip and motherboard, allowing parts of your computer to receive power and communicate with each other.
  6. Gold acts as a reliable conductor, allowing for the rapid and accurate transmission of digital data from one device to another. In fact, only silver and copper are better conductors of electricity.
  7. The earliest medical use of gold can be traced back to China in 2500 BC. Chinese physicians used pure gold to treat furuncles, smallpox, skin ulcers and to remove mercury from skin and flesh, says GoldBulletin. In India Gold is even today used in various forms for ayurvedic treatments.
  8. Today the metal is primarily used to treat patients with arthritis. Gold salts are used to reduce swelling, bone damage and to relieve joint pain and stiffness. It’s a slow process; patients generally receive 22 weeks of gold injections before experiencing relief.
  9. Gold is highly malleable and flexible. Gold can be beaten into thin sheets, only a few millionths of an inch thick. These sheets, known as gold leaf, are displayed on buildings throughout the world, such as St. Michael’s Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine.
  10. India’s Sripuram Golden Temple is the world’s largest golden structure. The spiritual park is made out of 1.5 tons of gold. The gold leafing provides a durable and corrosion-resistant covering, says
  11. It’s truly a gold universe. Space vehicles are fitted with gold-coated polyester film to reflect infrared radiation and to help stabilize core temperatures, says Without gold, darker colored parts of spacecraft would absorb significant amounts of heat.
  12. NASA also protects its astronauts using gold. Astronauts’ helmets are covered by the extravehicular visor assembly. The visor is coated with a thin layer of gold to filter out the sun’s harmful rays, according to NASA.

Difference between Ounce and Troy Ounce

Most people don't realize that there is a difference between an ounce and a troy ounce. Ounce is used to measure commodities and when you go to a departmental store you could be weighed commodities in ounces, however gold is weighed in troy ounces.

One troy ounce weighs
31.1 grams
One avoirdupois ounce weighs
28.35 grams

Precious metals such as gold and silver are often sold by the troy ounce. Many people don’t realize that an ounce of gold is more than the typical ounce found at the grocery store.  In many English speaking countries there are two systems for measuring weight.One, for precious metals, called the troy ounce.The other is for Commodities such as sugar, grains, and other grocery items. It is called the avoirdupois ounce.  

It is thought that the troy ounce was named after a weight system used in Troyes France during the Middle Ages.

Tola or Tolah System for Gold used in India.
In India we typically used the tola system and gold and silver was sold in Tolas which is slighly more than 10 grams.  1 Tola [India] is equal to 11.6638125 grams. However now in the newspaper the quote for Gold price that you see is per 10 grams and increasingly the tola system is not used. 

Historical Prices of Gold (India)

Below is a link to an excel sheet which contains daily, weekly and monthly data for Gold from 1993 to 2011. In the daily history one can go to row 4612 and see how many time has gold movement been more then 50 dollars or 60 dollars or 100 dollars per day during the said period of 1993 to 2011. Just some analysis to give you an idea how volatile gold can be.

California Gold Rush in 1849
South African Gold Rush in 1885 started by George Hamilton.

(The Article is under construction)

Researched from - World Gold Council Website, Wikipedia, The Power of Gold by Peter Bernstein, Livescience article by Stephanie Pappas,, many other sources from net and books.

Thursday 18 June 2015

WTI Crude Buy Signal

FED Meeting Outcome - 17th June 2015

Consistent with what i have been saying, despite Ms. Janet Yellen indicating that Interest Rates would be hiked one to two times this year, the markets did not react in a dollar positive manner. Usually an interest rate hike makes the currency stronger. An anticipation of a rate hike also makes the currency stronger. This as we can see has not happened in the case of the USD yesterday, rather whole focus is on the Euro. I have been saying that the market has already played the role of a discounting mechanism as far as US interest rate hikes are concerned and will not react to interest rate hikes.

Euro on the other hand is the major focus of the market. Today the Finance Minsters of Europe meet up to decide the fate of Greece. In case there is a default on the part of Greece then this would be the first default on an IMF loan by a first world country. Great Article on this in the telegraph of today...

One must also look at the crosses since yesterdays movements were good on the GBP as well as the YEN. Both moved considerably more then other counters. Gold also reacted well to yesterdays events.

I would look at 1.1180 as a buy in EUR/USD.
GBP/USD still has a long way to go but might take a breather for now.
USD/JPY is a good short.
USD/INR - i expect USD/INR to continue to remain weak. Anywhere above 64.50 can start to short USD/INR which is likely to continue to strengthen throughout out this to the next year.

Will put up charts by the of this week. Waiting for more clearer direction on Crude.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Fed Meeting, Euro and Greece this week.

I do not expect much to happen in the FED meeting this week other than a possible hint at hiking rates sometimes in the near future. One must however be prepared for the inevitable as a trader. In case there is a rate hike, the US dollar will sharply gain in value against all major counters. However this strength will be short lived in my opinion, 2 to 10 days at the most.

The main focus this week is the Greek drama, which is equally important for both the Greeks as well as Euro Zone. Greece if decides to exit the Euro zone, will be isolated from the Euro zone. In addition there are concerns that China, Russia and such other ambitious emerging global powers will try to enter Greece and help it in what ever they can to further their own interests. US might also look at this as an opportunity to further its own interests in Europe. So there are geopolitical issues with the Greek default as well. Then of-course the markets are already nervous and a Greek default will affect a fragile recovery which is more difficult for Europe then for the US. Mr. Alex Tsipras knows this and is using it to his advantage.

I foresee good sense to prevail and with German and French expertise in keeping the Euro Zone intact the likelihood is that an agreement will be reached for a timely solution of the Greek Debt issue. 

Overall i would see this as a Euro favorable week. I would expect the Euro to strengthen further. I continue to see USD/YEN as a good sell opportunity. GBP/USD and EUR/USD good buys as well. 

Its worth risking on buying gold as well. Crude might take a little more time to give direction.